All the way back in 2012 we had some very sexy pics of Rafael Berger on the Gay Body Blog, looking smooth and fit for photographer Fernando Effquen, but I think you guys will prefer this sexy shoot of the guy getting naked and sexy on the beach.
Admittedly we don’t get to see a whole lot in this shoot, but he’s such a handsome man and the suggestion of being naked is sometimes enough to make a shoot like this pretty special.
I don’t know who the photographer is for this one, but to be honest I don’t really give a damn about that (sorry if you do), it’s all about this handsome and buff dude, and I have to say he’s looking hotter in this shoot than he was in the other.
That other shoot was nice, and he certainly got my attention then, but this collection of photos is definitely sexier for that nudity.
I don’t know what this guy has been up to recently, but I can’t find a lot more of him out there. It’s a real shame, he seems to have almost vanished from the world of male modeling and I thought back then with the first shoot that he had something special about him.
Fingers crossed we see him again somewhere, sometime soon.

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