I have a feeling that you guys are going to enjoy seeing this handsome young man with his shirt off and his butt out, but I also think you’re going to be left wanting more. That’s okay though, I think there might be plenty more of Matthew McGue out there to share with you all, and if there is I will find it!
He’s a good looking guy, but that body is something else. Really, if you like jocks (and who in their right mind doesn’t?) then you can’t help but be impressed by this guy and his fit physique.
I’m not too sure about the styling of this one though, there’s a very 80’s feel to it, but at the same time not enough torn denim lol
Joseph Lally is the photographer, delivering what can only really be called an impromptu shoot that looks as though they just stepped out of a motel in LA and started taking snaps.
So, enjoy the pics, and I hope they make your Wednesday a little more special than it otherwise might have been. There’s more coming up of course, including a nude post, so stay tuned for that, you’re going to love what I have in store for you in that one! 

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