Well, it looks like we can safety say that Pietro Boselli has been “discovered”!
Hot on the heels of him becoming something of a “gay Internet” sensation, the handsome and buff brainy hunk is about to appear in a special edition of Attitude magazine, and we’re all very happy to see more of him, right guys?
In case you missed it, this all started when a student snapped a pic of the handsome hunk while he was teaching a math class in London, and he then discovered that his brainy teacher was not only gorgeous, muscled and intelligent, he was also a male model who regularly shows off that impressive physique.
Imagine that, seeing the teacher you lust after on the Internet showing off his awesome body… if I’d had the Internet and been able to find pics of my Physical Education teacher back in my student days I would have been nothing more than a walking boner for the rest of the year lol
So, even though the gorgeous guy was deserving of a lot of attention before, it seems the creepy interest that student showed has led to this stunning young man being thrust into the male modeling limelight once again.
Can we all now agree that we would love to see this guy doing porn? I don’t care what porn, it could be rubber glove fetish for all I care, as long as he’s naked in it lol
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