I know it might be a little late to be considering a calendar for 2015, but if you still have a room without one you might want to consider this sexy addition featuring some hunky muscled firefighters from Colorado!
Oozing masculinity, these hunks have decided to get their kit off in an effort to raise much needed funds for the Children’s Hospital Colorado Burn Center, which I think we all agree is a very noble and worthwhile cause indeed.
I can imagine that with the popularity of such a calendar they’ll be raising plenty of cash to help them out, and probably enough extra to continue help with their volunteering work in educating kids about the dangers of playing with fire too.
Am I the only one who looks at photos of guys like these and wonders what it would take to become a volunteer firefighter? I know it’s not all group showers and “hose wrangling”, there’s a lot of dangerous work in there too. But somehow I think the benefits might just make up for the risks and labor involved lol
Actually, maybe it would just be easier to get on one of those “uniform dating” sites. There must be plenty of hot gay firefighters out there these days 
Check out Mr. December. I think he might be my favorite.

Source : feedproxy[dot]google[dot]com
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