Guys, meet American male mode Adam Ayash. This is the first time I’ve seen him, but after checking out this shoot for Under Gear I really want to see more.
I know what it is about him that does it for me, and it’s actually a whole collection of things. To start with, I have to say that he’s handsome, sexy, buff and has a great body. I know I sometimes like to say that scruff on a mans chest is sexier (and it is) but there’s also something very hot about a smooth buff guy like this dude. I guess I sometimes think I have a type, then I discover that I’m really not that fussy after all!
Next week I’ll probably be showing my appreciation for a hairy bearish guy and rejecting the smooth. Such is life.
One of the hottest things about this shoot though, honestly, is that farmhand/cowboy theme.
Yeah, I’m really that easy to please. Put a damn cowboy hat on a dude, or a neckerchief, and I’m there ready to drool and worship. I don’t know what it is or where it comes from, but there is something so HOT about a guy looking like that.
I guess it might be the masculinity and rugged heterosexuality of the whole thing, but whatever it is I love seeing it in a shoot.

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