I hope you’re having a nice weekend so far. If you’re enduring the cold and terrible weather then you might need something a little hot and steamy to inspire you, and this photo shoot with handsome and buff Bobby Penney might just do that.
Now, I am gonna say something negative about this collection of photos, and that’s the emotionless mannequin expression he seems to prefer when someone is taking a pic. The one snapping the shots is talented Darren Tieste, but he seems to have either directed this constant expression o just ignored the opportunity to give the guy some facial life.
I’m not crazy here am I? He is just giving the same slight pout and glazed look off camera in every shot, just with a different angle lol
But, that doesn’t overshadow the hot and tight body he’s showing off, those tight abs and the sexy underwear bulge too. He can look as disinterested and posed as he wants as long as he’s showing off his hot jock body like that 
It’s a nice shoot, not mind-blowing, but he’s a sexy guy looking very hot. I just wish he was smiling or showing a little more emotion.

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