I’m not here, I’m in London, and probably already a little tipsy on Aunt Marie’s brandy and being regaled with stories of the family, scandals and rumors from the 1930’s and 40’s that me and my siblings have heard ten times already and seem to become more elaborate with each passing year lol
I hope you’re having a great Christmas Day so far, and if you’re checking in through boredom or just as a distraction from whatever family related fiasco you’re having to endure I hope this collection of photos featuring Artur Dainese will supply adequate temporary relief.
You probably noticed the post of pics of this guy a few days ago, shirtless and showing off for photographer Roberto Chiovitti, and when I found that there was more to this shoot than we had seen I was eager to get it on here.
I do like him quite a lot, he’s handsome and lean, a little more “normal looking” if that makes sense? He’s not a smooth and pumped up American model, and while I do love so many of them, there’s something more alluring about this guy.
Anyway, enjoy his pics, and enjoy your holiday wherever you are and whoever you’re with.

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