I’m not sure why handsome and buff male model Artur Dainese is getting shirtless in an elevator (or lift, for all my fellow Brits
) but I really don’t care much about the circumstances leading up to the de-shirting, it’s more important that we get to ogle the mighty fine figure of the man beneath the clothes.
Now, I know many of you will have a slight animosity toward photographer Roberto Chiovitti for his creation of this shoot, but only because it seems he finished slicking a little too soon. We all want more flesh when a guy like this is appearing in front of a camera, and it always feels like we’ve been slightly cheated when there’s no butt shot or bulge going on.
Okay, maybe its just me?
Regardless of the lack of full-frontal nudity, or teasing dick bulge, this is a very sexy collection of pics, seemingly featuring a man who might be involved in a steamy affair with the elevator in question. Have you heard about that sexual thing where people are attracted to inanimate objects? I’m not talking dildos (that would somewhat understandable) I’m talking about people being in lust with cars, walls, office desks… yeah, it’s a thing apparently. lol

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